Photo of Riccardo Ceccanti Italy
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RICCARDO CECCANTI BIOGRAPHY Riccardo Ceccanti was born in Leghorn in 1966 the 17th September;

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39.37 x 47.24 in
39.37 x 39.37 in

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RICCARDO CECCANTI BIOGRAPHY Riccardo Ceccanti was born in Leghorn in 1966 the 17th September; he grew up in Cecina, in Leghorn province on the seaside. He studied first in Bologna at the g. Pascoli College, then he succeeded in his degree in Ragioneria (accounting and book-keeping studies) in Cecina. He is still living here even if his artistic life is connected also with the surroundings. Ceccanti\'s artistic experience began very early: as a young boy he already painted and drew. Very important in his artistic life was the meeting with the artist Daniel Schinasi in the 80\'s. Today Riccardo Ceccanti\' works are related to the post-modern condition of the man, who tries to find answers in old traditions\' revival through shapes\' research and forgotten virtues. The landscape theme proposes to the observer the theme of loss of serenity and focuses on that through peculiar expression technique. Another important theme is the figure shape as identity problem. But the very important theme are butterflies and their metamorphosis. As the death of the worm in the cocoon takes to a new life as butterfly, so the man finds a new dimension in reality through his becoming, perfectly realized by 3D technique. This breaks the curse of being nothing in the post-modern condition. Life has finally a meaning and a direction, a chance of success and deep identity, even if it is always related to the drama of the present condition, situation . The artist\'s research has also been focused on the classic theme of portrait, proposed through original technique and interpretation, with the effort on underlining feminine elegance and sensuality as fundamental trait of the woman, in an age where gender difference are not so strict.

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